It’s been one of those weeks this week …a lot of rushing around, a lot of time down at the studio and a lot of interruptions .so not vast amounts achieved in the way of successful work done. Oh well, I guess that’s just painting for you. On top of this, it’s been horrible here in Irvine…no doubt like everywhere else…. I’d have been better owning a canoe rather than walking boots this last week …so much water. With a lot of commitments too this week, one of the worst weather days coincided with our only ‘free’ day and so once again we failed to get out for a good walk. On the up side though, in the last three days I’ve had two enquiries about paintings for sale which is very encouraging indeed…..fingers crossed!
So then …..there are not really vast amounts to tell this week and no nice landscape photos to show. Instead I thought I might as well plug a few of the paintings I have hanging in my studio right now, what with it being that time of year. You’ll have to excuse my blatant commercialism but well, even painters have to try and make a living. Anyway, the following three paintings can all be seen in my studio so if you live in the region, do feel free to pop in and see them along with all the other pieces I have on show. If you don’t live close by but are interested in one of them for a special gift, do contact me as I can always arrange delivery. The paintings:

‘Winter conditions, Ben Lui’
‘Winter conditions, Ben Lui’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2012, 76 x 23 cm,
Catalogue number: 260
Price £620 framed, £575 unframed.
About this painting
This is one of four recent paintings I’ve created based on memories of a wonderful walk / scramble on Ben Lui a few years ago. Despite it being quite late in the winter, indeed, I think it was early spring; there was still a lot of snow higher on this big and craggy mountain. We tackled the east ridge of the hill but due to my incredible slowness, only managed to reach the level middle section of the ridge. Even so, this was for me a spectacular and exhilarating day. Before descending back to the grassy glen below we stopped to take in the very wintry scene before us. This is a view looking across the main corrie and central gully of the hill …the upper section of the hill remained in the cloud most of the day.

‘Dusk, on Rannoch Moor’
‘Dusk, on Rannoch Moor’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2012, 210 mm x 148 mm
Price: £285 framed, £245 unframed
Catalogue number: 228
About this painting
You may remember that earlier this year I did a series of small ‘postcard’ sized paintings. This is one of them, and one, I have to say, that I particularly like. Due no doubt to my strange sight, I find several colours much more difficult to see …and use. Green is one of these and so this little piece was quite a challenge. Anyway, I think this works well and it reminds me of the many times we’ve been walking on the edge of Rannoch Moor in poor light. It’s a wonderfully wild expanse and I’m just going to have to keep on returning and painting my impressions of it.

‘Above Glen Coe, late autumn’
‘Above Glen Coe, late autumn’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2011, 60 x 30 cm
Price: £620 framed, £575 unframed
Catalogue number 210
About this painting
A couple of years ago we had a fine day walking the two summits of Buachaille Etive Beag in Glen Coe. It was cloudy as we made our way up to Stob Dubh at the south west end of the hill, but as we sat at its summit, the cloud occasionally broke giving views towards Glen Etive and the head of the loch. On starting to retrace our steps down the short steep section below the summit, the cloud once again broke around us. This time clearing to the east side but remaining thick to the west. It only stayed like this for a short time before filling in again and I took no photos. This painting is then, very much about my memory from the day. Hopefully it captures a little of this amazing place.
For more information about these or any other paintings, contact: Keith Salmon
Tel: 07742 437425
Email: or
So then, it’s been hard graft this last week. Being a painter isn’t always quite what it’s cracked up to be ….but I wouldn’t change it for anything! I hope you can get along to the studio sometime soon.