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Art & Sound Projects | Scottish Landscape Art - Scottish Landscape Paintings

Art & Sound Projects

Watch this space for the latest coming information on my Art & Sound projects like:

“Short Walks Along the West Coast of Scotland” – Irvine, Ayrshire

“The Kylesku Project & Painting With Sound” – West Kilbride, Ayrshire

“The Oregon Project & Other Works” – Edinburgh, Scotland

“The Oregon Project” – 9e2 Seattle, WA, USA

The following artworks were created for the “Short Walks Along the West Coast of Scotland” exhibition with their own soundtrack. They can be viewed with their sound by clicking on the image and hear the related soundtrack.

All artworks below are available for purchase.

For details please contact me on: 

Tel: 07568 380552 or 01294 216427


Scottish Maritime Museum exhibition promotional video

Click Video below to see the Maritime Museum Exhibition


1. ‘At the Stoer Head, Assynt, May 2018’


2. ‘Evening light, evening colours. Badcall Bay, Sutherland’


3 ‘Early morning, Kylesku, Sutherland’


4. ‘Mid morning, Kylesku, Sutherland’


5. ‘Evening, Kylesku, Sutherland’


6. ‘High tide, a dreich December afternoon near Campbelltown’


7. ‘On Clachtoll beach, January, Part 1’


8. ‘On Clachtoll Beach, January. Part 2’


9. ‘Mud-flats, Garlieston Bay, Solway Firth’


10. ‘Sandwood Bay. Part 1. Dune Song’


11. ‘Sandwood Bay. Part 2. Surf Song’


12. ‘Sandwood Bay,.Part 3. River Song’


13. ‘Towards Arran from the dunes above Irvine beach’


14. ‘Stoer, 2018, part 1’


15. ‘Stoer, 2018, part 2’


16. ‘Stoer, 2018, part 3


17. ‘Wetlands. Crook of Baldoon. Solway Firth’