'From the slopes of Beinn Griam Beg, Sutherland'
Once again, this is going to be a rather short blog. This evening we’re going to the preview of the annual North Ayrshire Open Art Exhibition. I entered two works for this show and luckily both were accepted, (images of the two paintings are shown here). My partner Anita also entered two of her small new porcelain pieces and these too have been included in the exhibition. The show normally includes around about 120 works I guess and it’s always worth paying a visit. There is always a huge variety of work to see and you can almost guarantee to see something that you really like.
One added bonus for me is that I’ve just been told that one of my paintings, (‘A frozen February afternoon, Beinn an Dothaidh’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2012, 80 x 80 cm) won one of the prizes at this year’s exhibition ….the Miller Prize. Sponsored by Millers in Glasgow the prize is apparently £150 worth of vouchers to be spent at Millers. Wow! I’m already looking forward to spending them….it’s a great art materials shop! I’ve been thinking about treating myself to a couple of really big canvases …so this might be my excuse!

'A freezing February afternoon, Beinn an Dothaidh'
Anyway, the exhibition is at the Racquet Hall, EglintonPark, North Ayrshire. It runs from July 7th – July 21st and is open10 am – 4pm each day. As I say, it’s always well worth a visit and after seeing the exhibition, you can always enjoy a walk in the country park.