‘Below Shalloch on Minnoch’
‘Below Shalloch on Minnoch’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2007, 30 x 60 cm
I think I’ve shown this painting here before, but, well, I like it. It was one of three 30 x 60 cm paintings I did in order to try out ideas for a large commission I received in 2007. In the end I used one of the other pieces as the basis for the commission but as I say, I, always liked this one.
It was based on a view we had as we were walking along below Shalloch on Minnoch several years ago. The ground in this part of the Southern Uplands is very rough…..a mixture of grass tussocks, heather, boulders and bog …interspersed with hidden holes to catch the unwary. We had crossed the summit of this hill, (the highest point in Ayrshire I think) in patchy mist but as the day went on the weather improved along with the views.
Anyway, despite being painted in 2007, this piece has never sold and so is still in my studio. If you live in Ayrshire and want to come and see this piece, one of my more local paintings, just give me a ring. Tel 07742 437425, or email, salmon21@freeuk.com .