‘Above Largs, late afternoon, January’
‘Above Largs, late afternoon, January’, Oil, 2012, 80 x 80 cm (Work in progress)
I’ve marked this painting as ‘work in progress’, but in all honesty I think it is probably finished and I’ll sign it fairly soon. The painting has been in progress for several months but has been sat lent against a wall for about five weeks while I’ve worked on other pieces. I wasn’t ignoring it though and whenever I was sat in my rocking chair having a cuppa, I’d be looking at it and thinking. Eventually, a few days ago, I started working back into it ….and this is the final result.
A couple of years ago in early January a friend and I were walking the low hills above Largs. It was during a very cold spell and the hills were covered in snow and ice, making walking particularly difficult. As we made our way down in the late afternoon, the low sun cast a strange and beautiful pink light over everything and for a brief period the snow almost glowed. It didn’t last long and as the sun dipped below the horizon the temperatures once again plummeted. This painting tries to capture something of this strange winter landscape.