‘A walk in the wild. above Drumochter, winter’
‘A walk in the wild, above Drumochter, winter’, Oil on canvas, 2012, 80 x 80 cm
I’ve probably shown this painting on my home page before, but I was particularly pleased with it and recently took it to the Waverley Gallery in Prestwick to have it framed. The large wooden cream coloured frames I’ve been using with these 80 x 80 cm paintings didn’t work with this piece and so I decided to see if we could find something more suitable and contemporary. A couple of years ago I’d seen some canvases a colleague had had framed using a simple ‘floating’ frame. These worked very well and so I decided to ask if they could do something similar for my painting. The frame is just a right angled moulding that allows the canvas to sit inside it, allowing a gap between the canvas and the edge of the frame. It is such a simple solution but it works particularly well with this piece.
‘A walk in the wild, above Drumochter, winter’ is now on display along with three other smaller paintings at ‘The Framework Gallery’ in Troon. If you live near by, pop in and take a look. I think it is the best of the new oil paintings and it is shown off well in this new frame. For more details about the Framework Gallery in Troon, check out the link at the side of this page in the section, ‘Art Galleries showing my art’.