‘NE from Arkle, Sutherland’
‘NE from Arkle, Sutherland’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2011, 76 x 23 cm
This is one of the paintings that will be showing at Gallery Q in Dundee(22nd October –11 November 2011). It’s based on the day back in May when we walked part way up Arkle …in the far northwest of Scotland. The hill is a mass of quartzite screes and blocks and made particularly hard walking for me ….the light was bouncing off of the white /grey stones and it was difficult for me to see where I was putting my feet! But it was worth the effort getting to the first (false) summit. The views were huge and as we sat with our backs against the strong cold wind, we could see right over to Ben Hope …the most northerly of the Munros. We saw no one else that day …total peace and quiet …wonderful.
For details of the exhibition at Gallery Q, Dundee, visit: www.galleryq.co.uk