‘Overlooking Strath Earn, October’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2010, 76 x 23 cm
This is one of the paintings I’ve just delivered to The Gallery on the Corner in Edinburgh. I did this piece about 18 months ago after a walk we did on the hills above Loch Turret in Perthshire. It turned out to be a perfect autumn day and as we made our way back to the car we took the opportunity to walk out to a small point that was marked by a wee cairn. It was worth the half hour detour as beyond this point the ground dropped away sharply and you looked out over the broad Strath Earn. It was a beautiful and very tranquil scene as the shadows lengthened in the late afternoon light. For more details of The Gallery on the Corner in Edinburgh, click on the link at the side of this page.