Well then, I’m running very late this week, so it’s going to be a very short little blog.
We still haven’t managed to get out walking and I think that by the time we get a decent bit of weather, my legs with be well out of condition! Oh well, it really hasn’t been very good this last few weeks with very strong winds and heavy rain and snow on the mountains. So then, I’ve been getting on with the work at the studio. I’ve mainly been working on the An Teallach commission and it’s starting to come together now ….but much work still to be done I think.

photographer Daniel Thornton
The other thing I’ve been doing is working with the photographer Daniel Thornton who visited Irvine and stayed with Nita and me for a couple of days. He’s started work on a documentary film about my work and its connection with the Scottish hills and landscape. He spent quite a time recording interviews in the studio and is planning to do more on his next trip over to Scotland from his home town in Seattle. It was very interesting talking with Dan over the course of his visit as his own work is based on the landscape. We both approach our work very differently but both have a real love for the wild places …..he showed me a couple of the photographs he took when he was with us in Glen Rosa back in March and I have to say, they were superb. I was really impressed. I’m really looking forward to working with him further and maybe, if he’s up for it, we can put on an exhibition of our work together sometime.
Anyway, that’s this short blog done for the week. I’m back in the studio for the next two days and am then having a relaxing couple of days off with Nita over Christmas. Must admit that I’m really looking forward to putting my feet up and the paint brushes down!
My very best wishes to everyone who reads this and follows my work. I hope you all have a very happy Christmas and New Year. The next blog will probably be posted 2nd or 3rd of January.