'Ben Ledi from Benvane, April afternoon'
‘ Ben Ledi from Benvane, April afternoon’ , Acrylic & Pastel, 2009, 76 x 23 cm
It’s amazing how fast this last year has gone and despite the current snow and cold, spring really isn’t far around the corner. Last April we spent a long and tiring day walking the two hills of Ben Ledi and Benvane. There was still a few patches of snow high up but the day itself was clear and warm with bright sunshine and little if no cloud. The walk up Ben Ledi is by a big path and attracts a lot of walkers. Once down the other side and past the descent path, the long undulating ridge over to Benvane is far less frequented. We only met a couple of other walkers on the long haul over and by the time we reached the summit of Benvane in the mid afternoon, we had the place to ourselves. Big views indeed and brilliant colours. At this time of year though the days still aren’t that long and we had a very long trop back. We made it off the hill before dark but didn’t miss the thundery shower waiting to soak us a mile from the car!