'Ben Ledi from Benvane, April afternoo
“Ben Ledi from Benvane, April afternoon”, Acrylic & Pastel, 2009, 76 x 23cm
I thought I’d use this painting today as my current blog is all about our latest visit to Ben Ledi. I did this painting after our previous visit back in the spring of 2009. On that occasion we not only walked Ben Ledi, but continued all the way over to its neighbour Benvane. This is quite a big undertaking if you only have one car and have to get back to it at the end of the day.
The way follows a long undulating ridge of grass, crag and bog, which has to be retraced most of the way on the return. That said though, we had a beautiful spring day of warm sun and mainly blue skies so the views and the colours were particularly fine.
We reached Benvane around mid afternoon and had the top completely to ourselves …indeed, after leaving Ben Ledi we saw only a couple of other people I seem to remember. The bigger hills around still had quite a lot of snow on and so stood out impressively and even Ben Ledi still had a few patches clinging to the crags on its eastern side.
I was pleased with this little painting and it always brings back good memories of this long but wonderful day. The painting is currently available at Scotlandart.com.