Jürgen’s work
When I was last over in Speyer in November 2011, (exhibiting a collection of my Scottish paintings in the Künstlerhaus) I got talking to a chap called Jürgen Fischer. He had come along to see the exhibition with a friend and he told me that several years previously he’d lived and worked on the west coast of Ireland. He is a sculptor and he’d spent his time creating work from the bog oak he found there. As we talked we realised we both had a very similar outlook to these wild and rugged landscapes and shortly afterwards he wrote and suggested that we try and hold an exhibition together sometime.
As you know, I didn’t hold any exhibitions last year. I wanted instead, to use the time to try and develop my work. This year though, I have organised two exhibitions …the first you know about ….the exhibition at ‘the gallery on the corner’ in Edinburgh back in March. The second one will take place at Blairmore Gallery near Dunoon from 19th August – 5th October 2013. I’ll be posting more details about this as the time approaches. The gallery owners there have kindly invited me to hold exhibitions on a number of occasions over the past 5 or so years and I’ve always enjoyed showing work there …it’s a great little gallery and one that’s well worth a visit if you’re in the area.

Jürgen’s work

Jürgen’s work

Jürgen’s work

Jürgen’s work
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I received an email from Jürgen asking me whether I’d like to hold an exhibition with him in Germany in the autumn. Wow ….great stuff ….and of course I’ve said ‘yes’. The details are to be confirmed, but with a bit of luck we’ll be holding an exhibition together for a few weeks in late September – early October. It is going to be quite a congested time but well worth it if it all goes to plan. Anyway, I’ll give full details once I have them, but in the meantime, here are a few photos of Jürgen’s work. I’m already thinking that I may well do more large graphite drawings for this exhibition …I think they will work well with his sculpture. It’s certainly going to be an exciting few months with much drawing and painting needing to be done!

Latest Glen Rosa drawing, ‘Towards Cir Mhor, a winter afternoon’