'On the slipway'
I’ve just placed an order for some new canvases and some more oil paint. It’s always exciting waiting for the boxes to arrive …and opening them up ….even though I know exactly what is in them! I guess I still haven’t grown up yet. I’ve used a good deal of the materials I bought back in October when I first moved into Studio J and started working in oils again and so I’ve needed to restock. That said however, I’ve decided to start working on a few new paintings based not on my hill trips but back here on the harbour side.
During my first year at the Courtyard I did a lot of harbour side drawings and paintings and now, almost nine years on, I’m going to do a few more. The reason for this is that another of the regular sights on Irvine harbour side looks soon to be gone ….to Australia apparently. . The wonderful old ship the ‘City of Adelaide’ that has been sat on a slipway about a kilometre up river from the Courtyard is to be moved and taken to Australia to be restored. As I write, a large steel cradle is being constructed to support the old wooden boat when they move it. I really don’t know much about this but Irvine based artist Hugh Loney has been taking a particular interest in it and has recorded some fascinating footage that can be viewed at Hugh Loney´s Channel on YouTube.

'Harbourside, winter'
For me though, this old ship has been a familiar dark and fairly fuzzy blob sat at the side of the river each day when I walk to and from the studios. I’ve never been really close to it and have to use my monocular to see it slightly better. That said though, it’s a fuzzy blob that I like and it’ll be a shame to see it go …although of course, the important thing is that it will be preserved.

'Harbour light, winter'
So then, while it is still here, it seems a good idea to try and do a few paintings of it …or more realistically ….of the fuzzy blob that is the ‘City of Adelaide’ to me. I’m not sure quite how I’ll go about it but will keep you informed and will post images on my Face Book page as things progress. Firstly though, I have to wait for the delivery of my new canvases …which should arrive today with a bit of luck. In the meantime ….here are a few of the drawings I did when I first arrived at the Courtyard.

'Harbour side, Irvine'