work in progress - "The Gold Hills near Wanlockhead"
Work in progress – ‘The gold hills, near Wanlockhead’, Acrylic & Pastel, 80 x 80 cm
This is another of the new 80 x 80 cm paintings. The hills around Wanlockhead contain gold apparently. Indeed, I’m sure I’ve heard that the gold panning championships have been held in this area of Scotland’s Southern Uplands in the past. If they do contain this beautiful metal, then I never found any on my one visit …but then again I guess that’s not exactly surprising is it?! That said however, on a late December afternoon with the sun getting low in the sky, these vast areas of undulating grass covered hills really do turn the most amazing colours …all sorts of yellows, ochre, copper and yes gold. I thought it’d be interesting to use some metallic paints in this to try and mimic this impressive array. This painting is still on the go but I’m quite enjoying it …and may just have to revisit the area on a clear cold day this coming December ….there could be some new pieces to be found in these hills.