‘The Cobbler from Ben Donich – a damp summer day’
‘The Cobbler from Ben Donich – a damp summer day’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2011, 76 x 23 cm
I thought I’d use this painting for my work of the week as it has just become my first US sale. The couple who bought the painting saw it on the ‘Paintings for sale’ section on my website and contacted me a couple of weeks ago. It is an important little break through for me and it’s great to think that the website is allowing people from around the globe, not just to see and read about the work but to buy it also.
The painting was based on a rather damp summer day a few years ago when Nita and I walked Ben Donich in the Arrochar Alps. As can be seen from the painting, the mist was coming and going much of the time but it was wonderfully atmospheric when it broke and we could see across to the Cobbler on the other side of the glen. Ben Donich is a very good hill with extensive views all around on a clear day. Seemingly very grassy and straight forward, it does, however, have a wonderful little rocky nook not too far from the top …which adds to the interest.
Anyway, a big thanks you to the folk who bought this painting. I hope it reminds you of the time you lived in Scotland and of the misty days you spent wandering the Scottish hills.