'Sutherland coastline, sketch'

'Sutherland coastline, sketch'
‘Sutherland coastline sketches’, Pen, 2012, 210 x 148 mm
As many of you will know, we’ve not that long returned from two weeks in Sutherland. We were staying in a small converted croft on the north coast not far from Betty Hill. The croft was situated a few hundred metres from the top of the cliffs and looked out over the Pentland Firth. The coastline at this point is very dramatic and on a couple of occasions (when the wind wasn’t blowing too hard) we walked down to a spot where you could overlook this amazing scene. These are a couple of very quick sketches I did as I sat one afternoon watching the huge waves crash and batter the cliffs. It took me back 30 years to my time spent at Falmouth School of Art in Cornwall. We sometimes went over to the north coast and worked above the huge cliffs of West Penwith. I enjoyed doing these drawings the other week and it has certainly made me think I may have to do some more coastal work….we have some great coastline in Ayrshire.