‘The Auch Gleann and Beinn Mhanach, November’
‘The Auch Gleann and Beinn Mhanach, November’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2009, 80 x 110cm
Having just been to the official launch of the Jolomo Award 2013 for Scottish Landscape Painting (in Edinburgh last Thursday morning) I thought I’d use one of the paintings I included in my 2009 application for this award.
Interestingly this painting, (out of the 10 works included in the application) was the most recently completed piece. Indeed I was still working on it while I was planning my application. It was then, quite a big decision to include it. As you know, I’m often quite uncertain about a works merit when I first ‘finish’ it …and it normally takes several weeks if not months for me to decide whether I like it or not! As such, I was less confident when talking about this piece to the judges ….but I shouldn’t have worried..they seemed to like it.
If anyone reads this and is passionate about painting the Scottish landscape, then I’d urge you to apply for the next Jolomo Award …2013. Applications have to be in by 14th January 2013 so you have plenty of time to plan. See this week’s blog for details of how to obtain an application form.