‘Sun and snow, in the Blackmount’
‘Sun and snow, in the Blackmount’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2013, 30 x 30 cm
In early December each of the last couple of years, Nita and I have taken a trip up to Rannoch Moor to walk the low heather and grass covered little ridge leading to Ghlas Beinn. It’s not a big walk and the high point is less than 600m ….but as I’ve said before, it is a spectacular view point.
I created this painting following last years visit to Ghlas Beinn when the mountains of the Blackmount were looking especially fine, the upper slopes being covered in snow and the whole scene patched by areas of bright sun.
We’re planning to go back again shortly as this walk on a fine December day, is a real little gem. As the distance is short it allows plenty of time to just wander along, gawping stupidly at the incredible 360 degree views. With plenty of hats and gloves and a piece of foam mat, there’s also time enough to just sit down and enjoy …perhaps even get the sketch book out!
Anyway, this little painting is currently in my studio along with another 20 or so works ….so ….if you live close, why not call in and have a look? To make sure that I’ll not be on Ghlas Beinn when you visit …best call me first on 07742 437425. Other examples of my work can also currently be seen at The Framework Gallery in Troon and ‘the gallery on the corner’ in Edinburgh. For details of these, follow the links at the side of this page.
Finally, over the last couple of months I’ve been working with a couple of Scottish companies who are producing quality reproductions of several of my paintings. Full details to follow shortly.