‘Below Suilvern, a dreich afternoon’
‘Below Suilven, a dreich afternoon’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2014, 30 x 30 cm
If you’ve been following my Face Book page, Keith Salmon – Scottish Landscape Artist, you have seen various versions of this painting. This is it, finally completed.
The painting is based on a view we had back in May as we walked up to Suilven. It’s quite a long walk and on the way there the weather had been quite bright but with a very squally wind blowing. I’d stopped on several occasions to do some sketches of this fine Assynt peak and had planned to do some more work when we reached a spot below the eastern end of the hill. By this time however, the brightness had gone and the skies were becoming very dark. Within half an hour it was raining and very quickly the conditions were quite horrible. We watched as Suilven slowly disappeared into the murk! This little painting hopefully captures something of the mood of the place as the bad weather set in.
The painting will be one of ten pieces I’ll be exhibiting in the Autumn Exhibition at the Biscuit Factory in Tyne and Wear. Full details of this exhibition will be posted shortly. The exhibition opens in September.