‘After the storm; the northern shores of Loch Lomond ‘, Acrylic & Pastel, 2006, 74.5 x 20.5cm
This painting, created nine years ago was one of the many pieces sold for me by ‘the gallery on the corner’ in Edinburgh. The gallery, as you may have read in my latest blog, is about to close, but I wanted to thank all the staff, trainees and volunteers at the gallery for helping to promote and sell my work so professionally.
I have always liked this painting and it was one of the first acrylic and pastel pieces I did. As you know, I have recently been putting a lot of time and effort into developing new oil paintings on canvas and I am thinking of doing a new work based on this early Loch Lomond piece. It will be interesting to see how the new work looks when it is completed especially as it will be larger than this, the original version. I particularly like the colours and marks and it takes me right back to the rather scary hour we spent with Guy waiting for a big thunderstorm to pass as we were climbing the ‘Little Hills’ ridge on Ben Vorlich a good number of years ago. Thankfully we didn’t get struck by lightening and although wet, we were witness to this amazing change of light over the loch as the storm passed.