Work in progress ….much to do!
It’s been another week of work and walking although with the emphasis definitely on the work! As you know I’ve been trying to get some new small pieces finished ready for my exhibition at Blairmore Gallery. Well, after much looking and moving work around in the studio, I’ve decided that I now have enough work for the show and have decided on which pieces I’ll be taking …..give or take one or two that is! In all honesty I’ll probably change my mind as to the exact selection, but I have a pretty reasonable idea now. The gallery isn’t very big so I’ll probably take around 17 pieces including one large piece …either an 80 x 80 cm painting or one of the new large graphite drawings. The other pieces will comprise around 10 of the 30 x 30 cm paintings, 3 of the 76 x 23 cm paintings and several small post card size drawings. I think it should make for quite a strong little show and it’ll be nice to see it all up on the wall together in about four weeks time. …..hopefully the visitors to the gallery and café will think so too!
I’m now turning my thought’s to the work I’ll need for the exhibition with Jürgen Fischer in the autumn. The dates still haven’t been confirmed yet, which is a little worrying and it’s also difficult to know exactly how much work I’ll need ….and when I’ll need it. I’m planning to show a series of the new large graphite drawings as I think they’ll work very well with Jürgen’s very dark linear sculptures. I’m reckoning on needing between 8 and 10 of these large drawings and so have got back to the drawing board again this week. When I’m working on paintings, I usually have three or four on the go at any one time and if I encounter a problem with one, simply put it aside and start work again on another. It’s a bit different with the large drawings as I only have one large drawing board and it’s not easy to keep changing the paper over ….it would certainly increase the risk of damaging a piece. As such I have to work on the same drawing from start to finish …and if I have problems …just sit and stare at it until I work out what I need to do ….it could mean I’ll be spending a lot of time sat in my rocking chair over the next few weeks!
Finally, just to say that there may not be a blog next week as John, the chap who does all the administration on my website is away for a short while. I will however, be putting extra posts up on my Face Book page, Keith Salmon – Scottish Landscape Artist. ……so if you haven’t already done so, why not check that out. There are regular views from inside the studio and of work in progress, as well as photos from the walks we do…….even though I say it myself, it’s worth a visit!