It’s Sunday and I’ve only just got around to writing this weeks blog. Suffice to say it’s been a very busy week!
I managed to get some painting done on Tuesday and had a very good day. After many weeks of working on fairly small paintings, I finally got to work on a slightly bigger piece …and it went very well. Monday though was spent getting the last of the books ready for the years end and taking them down to the accountant – a couple of weeks ago I’d received a letter from the revenue, reminding me that a tax return would be required later in the year. The rest of Monday and most of Wednesday was spent doing urgent paperwork and making sure I had everything ready for The Gallery on the Corner Official Launch Event …to be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
As I’ve already reported, the gallery opened a number of weeks ago, giving everyone involved a chance to find their feet and get any last minute tweaks made before the official launch. As patron to the gallery I planned to go along to all of the events taking place over the three days.
The first session was due to run from 10 am until around midday and was for the press. I was up at about 5am and felt very odd in my new suit …I’m more of a jeans and t-shirt bloke really! I caught the 7 am train from Irvine and arrived at the gallery in Edinburgh around 9.15am ready for the press hordes …only to find that they’d all cancelled ….due to the general election coverage! Great, everything stops for the general election.

Such a shame because the gallery looked fantastic. Susie Anderson the gallery manager and her boss Aileen had done a really tremendous job in getting everything ready. The main gallery is light and airy but full of a wonderful range of work, paintings, prints, drawings and craft …all of a very high standard. Sourcing all this work and hanging the exhibition was an art in it’s own right and Susie has put together a diverse, challenging and beautiful exhibition ….I heard one local gallery goer say as she walked in, “ wow, this is a real breath of fresh air”…..and it really is.
The press I think missed a real trick, along with a great story. Anyway, I guess it’s understandable and hopefully this exciting project will catch their attention once the immediate political mayhem is over …..it ought to as this gallery is going to be of interest to all those who love seeing and buying art and craft.
All the other events went off perfectly and were admirably supported by folk from all walks of Scottish life. It was black ties for the evening event on Thursday and around fifty people enjoyed superb hospitality and had a chance to see the work on show ….much of which was sold. I had been invited to display several of my paintings and I’m pleased to say that three of these sold too.
So then, an excellent start for this very special gallery. The real business of the gallery will start shortly with the first of the businesses apprentices starting work in early May. Others will join her shortly. In the large area downstairs, there are to be I think four studio spaces to be rented out to artists and crafts people.

I had a really great few days and met some amazing people including several of the artists. In setting up this business, Autism Venture Scotland have set the bar very high. I’m sure it will be a great success both as a business and in it’s primary function as an employer and provider of real work based training for young people affected by autism. If you’re in Edinburgh, do get along to see the work and please spread the word …you wont be disappointed.

For more information about The Gallery on the Corner, along with Autism Ventures Scotland, click on the link at the side of this page. You could also visit their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=390968703244