‘Below Suilven, a wet spring afternoon’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2016, 30 x 30 cm
I completed this small painting several months ago but after what has been an exceedingly busy summer, only managed to get it into a frame quite recently. Anyway, it is now framed and hanging on the wall in my studio….. reminding me that I haven’t done anywhere near enough hill walking this year and that I need to get the boots back on again soon!
The painting is based on a walk we did the other spring when we were up in Assynt. From the forecast, we reckoned we’d have enough time to walk to the base of Suilven and back before the bad weather arrived. ….but got that wrong! We had walked to the mountain in blustery but sunny conditions, but, how quickly conditions can change on the west coast of Scotland. Despite getting wet, we certainly got some great views of this fantastic mountain as the mists rolled in…. and I’ve created several paintings and sketches based on what we saw.
This painting will be just one of many on display in my studio (J) as part of the Courtyard Studios Open Weekend, 1st / 2nd October 2016. Open 12 noon – 5pm both days, entry free. I do hope you can get along as there are 10 artists taking part this year with a huge variety of high quality work on show.