‘The Saddle from Glen Rosa, Isle of Arran, March’
Last week Nita and I did a trip across to Edinburgh to deliver five paintings to ‘the gallery on the corner’ in Edinburgh. Thankfully it was a dry and bright day and with the aid of our electronic navigator …the occasionally crabbit lady in the sat-nav, we got there without any diversions, scenic detours or upset! We even managed at one point, to go the right way where we normally go the wrong way. This is the point where the crabbit voice in the sat-nav normally starts shouting, ‘re-calculating, recalculating’ and her face …if she had one, would no doubt look decidedly un-amused!

‘Harris, west coast, May 2013’
Travelling to ‘the gallery on the corner’ by this route does however take you over a lengthy section of those eloquent and historic but, when you’re driving over them with a car full of framed and glassed paintings, rather worrying and unpleasant cobbles …this caused my drivers eyes to roll and her to announce (in a gap where the sat-nav wasn’t issuing further instructions) “I hate cobbles”! But we arrived safely, shaken if not on this occasion, stirred and we even found a parking place opposite the gallery …things were looking good.

‘Heavy down pour, Harris, May 2013’
“Looking good” was also the perfect phrase for the work in the gallery. As usual there was a big selection to see by a number of different artists, but the main area was taken up with an exhibition of very interesting landscapes painted on canvas. It was good meeting everyone again and Paul was saying that they had a busy time leading up to Christmas with a full exhibition programme. As such, he reckoned that they’d probably get the new pieces I had just delivered, displayed from early December. They had asked for five pieces including one of the larger ones and so I thought I’d take the relatively new Mam na Gualainn painting to exhibit. I also took; two 30 x 30 cm paintings, one 40 x 40 cm painting and a long thin 76 x 23 cm painting ….all are shown here. Gallery details can be found by following the link to the gallery website at the side of this page. I hope you can get along.

‘Breaking mists on Mam na Gualainn’
So then, if you live in or near Edinburgh or are visiting this beautiful historic city, do call in to see all the work at ‘the gallery on the corner’….you may well find the perfect Christmas present for yourself!

‘From Conival, May’