‘Approaching Harris, a damp May evening’, Graphite on paper, 2013, 125 x 75 cm
Here is the latest of my new graphite drawings. I started this while we were away on Harris but I was working on a large table in the cottage, (rather than in an upright position on the wall or an easel) and I soon got back ache and gave up! I completed it on my return to Irvine and I must admit I’m quite pleased with it.
It’s based on the grey wet view we had from the ferry as it approached Harris. We’d caught the 18.00 ferry from Uig and the weather had turned gloomy, damp and dark by the time we neared Tarbert. The sea was a little choppy too and as I sat watching the slowly changing scene with the island slowly getting closer and the rain and spray marking the salt covered windows ….I realised it would make an interesting drawing or two.
This is the first one and I’ve already started work on a second …I may even do a third. Anyway, I hope you like it …this is the first time I’ve tried to do a piece based on the sea, (with a bit of land) …rather than just the mountains and glens.