‘On the ridge to Am Bodach, Spring’, Acrylic & Pastel, 2011, 80 x 80 cm
This is another of the new larger (80 x 80 cm) paintings that I’ve been working on recently. It’s a completely new working of a composition I’ve used before but this time with thicker, larger marks and more intense colours. Although still based on the wonderful section of ridge between the top of the Devil’s Staircase and Am Bodach, this piece is I guess more about the paint, the composition and the marks. I’ve only just stopped working on it so it’s too early to say yet whether it’s ‘finished’ or not. This is one of the paintings I’m doing for my exhibition in Speyer in October. I’m hoping to take around 10 of these new 80 x 80 cm paintings along with 10 other smaller pieces…all to be completed and shipped out around the 7th October. The exhibition opens on Friday 14th October and will run for two weeks. Full details nearer the time.